About Us



Greek root word of tetelestai, meaning "it is finished"

This is the last word Jesus said on the cross to show us that His sacrifice for us was enough. He died so that we could live in freedom and no longer have to try to be the perfect person because He already did it for us. It is finished!

Why We Do What We Do


Our Mission

Teleo strives to be a coffee shop that goes towards something greater. We seek to love our neighbors by empowering and supporting the people and places of St. Louis through creating a space for people to feel known and loved, and intentionally choosing products that go directly back into supporting the St. Louis community.


Local Community

Teleo seeks to live out our Christian values by giving back to our local community. We desire to do this through bringing in products that give back to our St. Louis community.


Our Partners & Programs

Teleo brings together local St. Louis partners to help give back to the city. This is how we strive to truly live out the call to love our neighbors.